Streaming Music Service for Burmese Songs

At the end of 2017, a friend of mine came to me to work together on a streaming music app for Burmese community. It will also be touching many other issues I  wanted to fix back when I was in Myanmar. So I said yes to him and di the following phase 1 design in 3 days. I am still working on phase 2 and 3 and will be updating here.


Our mail goal here is to help artists. In Myanmar right now, there are not streaming services available and there are pirated CD selling on the sidewalks. There’s an MP3 store but the person who’s running has been taking so much commissions and made some shady financial moves which made the artists not willing to go that route. There are streaming services popping up but the UX is really bad and adoption is not good yet. With my experience in Amazon Music and my friend’s connection to Music Association, artists, and production comapnies, we want to create a product where it’s a fair price for customers to make a monthly payment, and yet at the same time kick start a streaming music that will benefit artists.


I am leading all the mobile UX side of the project, working hand in hand with my friend who is leading product. On tech we are using an agency in Vietnam to building out working prototypes. 

I will be sharing mockups here just to show the visual and interaction design asepect of it.

Upbeat streaming app

mobile invision prototype here


This is the second side project I am involved in product and the challenges in this one is not really to UX or product features but more on the product type / vision. Companies like Tencent is trying to get into the scene and using millions of dollar to create a brand which make small team like us hard to puch compete. So in stead of creating a streaming service first, we are forming a company to help artists
1. claim digital rights to get advertisment revenue from places like Youtube and Facebook,
2. reate proper Youtube channels and Facebook pages so that they can fully monetize on the views,
3. full blown video streaming channels for music videos (karaoke music videos are a thing in Myanmar) and move on to movies and tv shows
4. and will turn the music video streaming into something like youtube red to get back onto music and audio streaming service.

It is still very early but this is something no one is thinking of doing and we are starting get support from both artist and industry leaders, which is very exciting and I will be posting more here.

For confidentiality reasons, I have taken out the actual numbers from all the companies I have worked for and have put percentage. These are all just my views on the project I worked on and does not represent the views on the organizations.

© 2018